1Work injuries and cost in an Engineering establishment in Iraq over a period of 6 years (1980-1985). J Comm. Med. Iraq 1989 Vol. No. 1.
2Work Accident statistics in one of an engineering establishment in Iraq over a period of Five years (1986-1990) J Fac. Med. Baghdad 1992 Vol.34 No.1.
3The prevalence of contact dermatitis among male workers in an engineering establishment. J Comm. Med. Iraq 1992 Vol.5 No. 2.
4Suggested Reference Range of ES.R for healthy Iraqi Male Workers below fifty years of age. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad 1993 Vol. 35 No.1.
5Prevalence of Varicose Veins Among Workers in an Engineering Establishment J. Fac. Med. Baghdad 1993.
6Prevalence rate of hypertension Among industrial workers. J Comm. Med. 1994.
7Work injuries in an industrial establishment in 1992. 1st scientific conference of Babylon University 1994.
8Health Surveys for the abuse of anti microbial drugs prescribed by practicing physicians in Babylon province in Babylon province in 1995. 2nd scientific conference. Babylon University 1996.
9Prevalence of Hepatitis B surface Antigen carriers in blood donors in Babylon province during the period 1992-1995. 2nd scientific conference. Babylon University 1996.
10Epidemiology of market places in Hilla city 1996. 3nd scientific conference. Babylon University 1997.
11Acute organic phosphorous poising 6 years hospital study in Mirjan teaching hospital Babylon Iraq. 4nd scientific conference. Babylon University 1998.
12Epidemiological descriptive study of tuberculosis in patients attending tuberculosis center in Babylon province during the years 1993-1997. 4nd scientific conference. Babylon University 1998.
13. Epidemiological features of Brucellosis in Dakok district Iraq. 5nd scientific conference. Babylon University 1999.
14Clinical epidemiological study of Thalassaemic patients in Babil Maternity and Children Hospital. 4th Scientific Conference Babylon Health Directorate 9-10 December 1997.
15The Validity of Widal test in Mirjan teaching hospital Babylon Iraqi Journal. Comm. Med. Vol. 11 No. 1 1998.
16District team problem solving in Iraq. Evaluation study of this program for 2 years period. 5th scientific conference. Babylon University 1999.
17Prevalence of Kidney stones among hypertensive male workers involved in active work (Babylon – Iraq). 5th scientific conference. Babylon University 1999.
18Abnormal Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate (E.S.R) in Acute Myocardial infarction (Babylon Health Directorate. 4th Scientific Conference 9-10 December 1997.
19Cigarette smoking and blood glucose. Iraqi J. Comm. Med. Vol. 12 No. (2) 1999.
20Clinico epidemiological study of Brucellosis in Babylon province During the years 1994-1997. Iraqi J. Comm. Med. Vol. 12 No. (2) 1999.
21Sickness absence in an industrial establishment in Iraq. The sixth scientific conference of Babylon University 25-27 April 2000. P: 1
22Work related diseases among workers involved in active work in Babylon governorate during 1998-1999. The sixth scientific conference of Babylon University 25-27 April 2000. P: 6
23Epidemiological trends of tuberculosis in Babylon province during 1988-1999. The sixth scientific conference of Babylon University 25-27 April 2000. P: 6
24Diarrheal diseases among children under fives in Almajd district. The sixth scientific conference of Babylon University 25-27 April 2000.p: 8.
25Schist soma haematobium in Kwachira village (Algaraf district Dekar Province). The sixth scientific conference of Babylon University 25-27 April 2000.p: 9.
26 Anemia among first year school children in Rhmaniet Alshoalla/ Baghdad during 1998-1999. The sixth scientific conference of Babylon University 25-27 April 2000.p: 10.
27 Work injuries in the state company of textile industries in Hilla during 1997-1999. The sixth scientific conference of Babylon University 25-27 April 2000.p: 12.
28 Schist soma haematobbium in Baladroze district (Diala province) during 1998-199 and the problem solving approach in Iraq. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:8.
29 Epidemiology of smoking in Iraq. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:17.
30 Epidemiology of hypertension in Iraq. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:18.
31Work injuries in Al-Qadisyia engineering company/Iraq. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:32.
32 Evaluation of district team problem solving (DTPS) in Iraq. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:45.
33 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) values in Iraqi workers involved in active work. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:65.
34Neonatal tetanus in Al-Nuamania district / Wasit governorate: community based study. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:66.
35 Assessment of malnutrition of children under fives in AL-Thawra district / Babylon province Iraq. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:67.
36 Investigation and control of cholera epidemic in Al-Mukdadiya district / Diala province. The first national scientific conference for medical and basic medical sciences 7-9/11/2000.p:68.
37 Hypertension among Iraqi working population. The First National conference for Internal Medicine and The 12th Scientific Annual Conference of The College of medicine Baghdad University-Iraq 21-23/11/2000.
38Epidemiological study of work related chronic illnesses in Hilla textile workers during the period 1999-2000. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 3.
39 Prevalence study of cardiovascular risk factors in Iraq. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 7.
40Oral health survey in a worker population. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 14.
41Upper gastrointestinal endoscope finding in patients referred to Merjan endoscope unit (Merjan Hospital Babylon) during the year 2000. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 23.
42Epidemiological features of vesiral leishmanias Kala-Azar in Alazizia district Wasit governorate. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 40.
43 Epidemiological features of cigarette smoking habit among Babylon university students during the academic year 2000-2001. Journal of Babylon University 2001, Vol (6) No. 3 p: 787-795.
44Field survey on maternal and child health in Al-Abasia district Najaf governorate. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 44.
45 Low back pain among Iraqi male workers involved in active work in an industrial company/Iraq. Kufa Medical Journal 2001 Vol. (4). No. 1 p: 155-162.
46 Anemia in children under five years of age attending Al-Shahida Suhiala primary health center in Al-Thawra district Babylon Governorate Iraq. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 62.
47 An outbreak of typhoid fever in AL-Nuamania district. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 63.
48 Intervention study on work injuries reduction in the state company for textile industry Hilla / Iraq. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 64.
49 Application of district team problem solving (DTPS) to prevent and control tuberculosis in Iraq during 1998-2000. The seventh scientific conference of Babylon University 25-26 April 2001.p: 69.
50 Awareness level of environmental sanitation among population in Babylon province in the year 2000. The 1st scientific symposium for environmental pollution, Ministry of higher education & scientific research Babylon University 16 may, 2000.
51 Lead and Mercury in breast milk of lactating mothers in Hilla city in the year 2000. The 1st scientific symposium for environmental pollution, Ministry of higher education & scientific research Babylon university 16 may, 2000.
52Evaluation of District Team Problem Solving (DTPS) as a training approach for health personnel in Iraq. The thirty sixth Iraqi Medical conference Baghdad Feb. 13-15 2001.
53Application of district team problem solving (DTPS) for management of environmental problems in Iraq. Journal of Babylon University Vol.(6) No. 3 March 2001; P : 450 – 466.
54Evaluation of the application of District Team Problem Solving (DTPS) approach in reduction of poor environmental sanitation in Al-Malaab district AlAnbar Governorate in the year 2000. Journal of Babylon University 2001, Vol. (6) No. 3 p:802-816.
55Environmental knowledge, attitude and practice of primary health care providers in Iraq. Journal of Babylon University 2001, Vol. (6) No. 3 p:782-796.
56A study of ocular work injuries due to foreign bodies among workers attending ophthalmic clinic in Hilla general hospital during the year 2001. Eight scientific conference Babylon University 2002.
57Application of Factory Team Problem Solving (FTPS) in reduction of incidence of work injuries in Hilla textile factories. Eight scientific conference Babylon University 2002.
58Application of district team problem solving (DTPS) approach for solving the problem of viral hepatitis at a district level in Iraq. The 4th Iraqi Gastroenterology conference Baghdad-Iraq 2002. Journal of Babylon University 2002.
59Tuberculosis is a public health priority in Al-Hashmia district Babylon province during the year 1999-2000. Eight scientific conference Babylon University 2002.
60 Thalassemic patients and family psychological, economic and social impact. Eight scientific conference Babylon University 2002. Journal of Babylon University 2002 .
61Descriptive study of human Brucellosis in Babylon province during the years 1994-2001. Eight scientific conference Babylon University 2002.
62 Application of district team problem solving (DTPS) approach in maternal and family planning in Iraq. Second scientific national conference of family planning and reproductive heath. Baghdad-Iraq. Dec.2001 p: 27.
63 Anemia in Al-Dolab village Babylon province in 2001. Eight scientific conference Babylon University 2002.
64 Knowledge, attitude and practice of breast feeding among women working in Babylon University during the year 2001. Eight scientific conference Babylon University 2002.
65The prevalence of goiter among secondary schools female students n Hilla city, Babylon province, Iraq during the year 2002.Iraqi Journal of community medicine 2004.
66Corporal Punishments in Babylon elementary schools , International conference on children Psychosocial support , Slovenia , 2005 .
67 Burn out syndrome (psychological disorders) among teachers in Babylon province, The first Conference ( violence against children ,Slovenia ,Ljubljana 2007 .
68Prospective study to assess the effects of using folic acid by pregnant women in Babylon and its impact on neonal congenital anomalies ,Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .p: 7 (published in BMJ, 2010)
69Risk factors among pregnant women – a comparative cross section study in two primary health care center ( Rural vs Urban ) in Babylon province . Babylon Provincial Council, The first Prevention Conference, June,2008 .p:9
70 Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Tuberculosis Patients in Babylon province. Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 . p:11
71Blood lead level among traffic police men in Hilla city during the year 2008. Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .p :12
72Prevalence of Asthma among people aged 5-35years in Babylon province center . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .p: 13
73Surveillance for Cholera In Aldolab Village , Babylon province – Iraq . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .P: 24
74Intervention to reduce deterioration of schools environment in AlThora sub district in Babylon province . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .p:26
75Food and parasitic diseases epidemics in Babylon Province . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 . p:34-35 .
76Psychosocial and education problems in Babylon Occupational schools ,2008 . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 . p:38 (منشور في مجلة جامعة بابل)
77Nutritional status , blood lead level and Intelligent Quotient in elementary school children in Babylon province – Iraq . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .p:39
78 Burn out syndrome ( psychological disorders ) among teachers in Babylon province , The first Conference ( violence against children ,Slovenia ,Ljubljana 2007 .
79Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders among elementary school children in Al hilla city during the academic year 2007- 2008 . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .p:41
80 Prevalence of Street Children In Al hilla City during the year 2008 . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008,p: 54-55 .
81Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders among children witnessed suicide bomber act in Hilla city during the year 2007 . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 .p:58
82Sugested approach to control corruptions in Iraq through the application of District Multidisciplinary Team Problem Solving technique at a low authority level . Babylon Provincial Council , The first Prevention Conference , June,2008 . p:69
8383. Breast cancer in Babylon during the year 2008 . The first Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:145
8484. Epidemiological descriptive study on the cancer trend in Babylon province during three years (2005-2007 ) . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:146
8585. Smoking among health care providers in Babylon province during the year 2008 . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:142
8686 .Disabilities Pattern of Handicaps registered in Babylon handicap rehabilitation center in August 2008 . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:138
8787. Correlates of current cigarette smoking among in school adolescents in Kut city – Iraq . Babylon Medical Journal 2011 .
8888 . Cigarette smoking and school violence in AlKut secondary schools . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.
8989. Cigarette Smoking among primary schoolteachers in Hilla city during the year 2008 . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:135
9090 .Corporal Punishments in Babylon elementary schools , International conference on children Psychosocial support , Slovenia , 2005 .
9191.Application of District Team Problem Solving approach in controlling acute watery diarrhea disease ( cholera ) in four districts in Iraq ( 1999-2001 ) . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p: 129 .
9292.Adolescents Knowledge about transmission of Aids in Al Kut – Iraq . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:128 .
9393. Evaluations, Lessons learnt from application of psychosocial support program to schoolchildren and their teachers in Babylon . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:125 .
9494.Overcoming poverty among rural families by improving their students school achievements using DTPS approach in Abo Garak district in Babylon . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.124 .
9595. Blood lead level and school violence among secondary school students in Al Kut province – Iraq during the year 2008 . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:32 .
9696.Bullying among secondary school students in Al Kut province – Iraq . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:33
9797. Iraqi teachers and their knowledge , attitude and practice about school related punishment in AlKut city . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p: 34 .
9898.Cigarette smoking and drug abuse among Babil University students ( Arts and education colleges ) during the academic year 2006 -2007 . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p
9999. The prevalence rates of modifiable risk factors among diabetic patients attending Babylon diabetic clinic . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:44 .
100100. Road Traffic Accidents registered in Hilla teaching hospital emergency unit during the first four months of the year 2008 . Annual Medical Conference of Babil Health Directorate , 2008.p:43 .
101101. Lead Level among workers in different occupations ( private sectors ) in Babylon during the year 2007 . The 10th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Babylon , 2008 p:14 .
102102.School Phobia Among Elementary School Children in Hilla City –Iraq . The 10th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Babylon ,2008, p: 17 .
103103. prevalence and correlates of truancy among secondary school students in Kut city . Babylon Medical College , The first medical conference 2009 .
104104. Psychosocial problems of adolescents in Fast Learning Schools in Babylon . Babylon Medical College , The first medical conference 2009 .
105105. Epidemiologic Study on Urinary Bladder Cancer Patients . The 11th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Babylon , 2009 p: 18
106106.Burnout Syndrome Among Teachers In AL-Hinia District , Karbala Province , Iraq 2008-2009 . The 11th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Babylon , 2009 p: 22
107107. Risk Factors Assessment of Breast cancer Among Women Attending the Screening Clinic In Al-Hilla Teaching Hospital – Iraq . The 11th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Babylon , 2009 p: 24 .
108108. School Violence Among Secondary School Students in North Babylon during the Academic year 2007-2008. The 11th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Babylon , 2009 p: 29 .
109109 . Pos Traumatic Stress Disorders Among Elementary School Children Exposed to Terrorist Traumatic Event in North Babylon in the Academic Year 2008-2009 . The 11th Annual Scientific Conference of the University of Babylon , 2009 p: 33
110110.Clinico epidemiologic study on measles adolescents and adult patients admitted to the infectious diseases words of Merjan teaching hospital –Babylon . The 4th Annual Nursing Scientific Conference , Babylon Health Directorate ,2009, p:28
111111. Contaminations of Surgical Operation Rooms by Oxygen vessels in Babylon- Iraq . The 4th Annual Nursing Scientific Conference , Babylon Health Directorate ,2009, p:23
112112 . Clinico epidemiologic study of angina pectoris patients admitted to the coronary care unit in Merjan teaching hospital , Babylon province during the year 2009 . The 4th Annual Nursing Scientific Conference , Babylon Health Directorate ,2009, p:54 .
113113. Assessment of knowledge and practice of female nurse with regard breast self examination in Babylon . The 4th Annual Nursing Scientific Conference , Babylon Health Directorate ,2009, p: 30
114114. Burnout Syndrome among Nursing Staff in Babylon Province – Iraq during 2009 . The 4th Annual Nursing Scientific Conference , Babylon Health Directorate ,2009, p: 21
115115.Correlation of housing overcrowding with students mal treatment at home .Babylon College of Medicine , the second medical conference 2010 .p:118 .
116116.Children Labor in ALmusiab district – Babylon province during the year 2010 , Babylon College of Medicine , the second medical conference 2010 .119
117117.Epidemiology and hazards of work among children in Erbil province – Iraq . Babylon College of Medicine , the second medical conference 2010 .p: 120
118118. Epidemiologic features of handicapped elementary school children in Babylon province – Iraq during the academic year 2009=2010 . Babylon College of Medicine , the second medical conference 2010 ,p:122
119119. a case control study of infertile couples attending Babylon infertility center during the year 2011. Babylon medical college ,third conference 2011, p:68 .
120120.Malnutrition and anemia among elementary school children in Hilla city, Babylon Iraq , during the academic year 2010-2011. Babylon medical college ,third conference 2011, p:69 .
121121. Smoking among health care providers in Al Hilla city during the year 2011 , Identification of associated factors .Babylon Medical Journal 2011 , p:70 .
122122Risk factors of breast cancer among women in Babylon province during the year 2011 , Babylon Medical College ,third conference 2011 , p:71 .
123123.Assesment of pulmonary functions for flour mills workers in Alhilla city during the year 2011. ,Babylon Medical College , third conference ,2011, p:73 .
124124 .Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders among primary school children with especial needs in the center of Babylon province . Babylon Medical College ,third conference 2011,p:72 .
125125. Knowledge Attitude and practice of breast feeding among mothers attending primary health care centers in Al Hilla city during the year 2011 Babylon Medical College .third conference 2011, p: 74 .
126126. breast feeding among mothers in a rural area in Babylon province during the year 2011. Babylon Medical College ,third conference 2011 , p:75 .
127127. Prevalence of disabilities and chronic diseases among elementary school children in ALhindia district in Karbala province –Iraq during the a academic year 2010-2011 . Babylon Medical College third conference 2011 ,p: 76 .
128128 .Beggary in Babylon city center , its causes and its health and social effects during the year 2011 . Babylon Medical College.
129third conference 2011 , p:78 .
130129.Measles among adolescents and young adults ,hospitalized in Merjan teaching hospital, Babylon during the 2008-2009 epidemic. Iraqi J comm Med..2013; 26(1):7-12.
131130. Factors contributing to child begging in Hilla city, Babylon ,Iraq during the year 2011. Iraqi J of Comm. Med.2013;26(3):195-200
132131. Outcome of Conducting District Team Problem Solving Approach in Iraq, Eight Years' Experience,IMJ.2013;59(1);21-29
133132. Lead and Cadmium In The Breast Milk of Lactating Mothers Living In Hilla City, Babylon, Iraq, During The Year 2012.Journal of Babylon University .21(8):2861-2872
134133. A Survey of Blood Lead Levels In Various Types Of Male Workers In Hilla City, Iraq. Journal of Babylon University.21 (3):1065-1075
135134. Assessment of factors affecting antenatal care visits and antenatal care services in Babylon province-Iraq. Accepted for publication in the Iraqi J Comm Med. 2014.
136135. Factors associated with neural tube defects of live neonates in ALNajaf province, Accepted for publication in AlKufa Journal for nursing science,2014.
137136. Pulmonary function tests for Water Pipe smokers and cigarrete smokers in males in AL hilla city during the year 2014.Babylon Medical Journal;21(4).
138137.Risk factors for kala azar in Wasit Province. Accepted for publication in the Iraqi J Comm Med. 2014.
139138.Prevalence of speech disorders among elementary school children in ALHilla city, Iraq, 2014. Accepted for publication in the Iraqi J Comm Med. 2014.
140139.Misuse of antibiotics for children with respiratory tract infection in AlNajaf Province. Accepted for publication in AlKufa Journal for nursing science,2014
141140. Challenging Factors Facing Illiteracy Elimination campaign in Babylon Province during the year 2012-2013, accepted for publication in Babylon University Journal, 2014(journal of university of Babylon 2015)
142141. Values and concepts associated with transparency in the curriculum of Mathematics and Arabic literature in Iraqi Elementary schools. The proceeding of the Ministry of Education Transparency Conference2014 (journal of university of Babylon 2015).
143142. Psychological traumas among Children Exposed to terrorist acts in Babylon Province- Iraq.6th International Conference of World Forum Foundation,USA, Puerto Rico;2016, May.
144143. Application of District Team Problem Solving Approach in Training Family Physicians. 2nd International conference of Family Medicine, Dubai, 2015, Jan.
145144. Epidemiological features of disability among elementary school children in Babylon province. (Journal of university of Babylon 2016)
146145. Risk factors of cholera in Al- Hilla city. (journal of university of Babylon 2016
147146. Epidemiological features of hydatid cyst disease in Babylon province 2016. Conference of research centers, Babylon University.
148147. Attitudes of senior students of Babylon University regarding emigration 2016 . International conference for displaced people and a Refugees Al- Kufa University College of Nursing 2016.
149148. Role of secondary school teachers in protecting their students against extremism,2016,Diala university, College of Education,2016.
150149. Epidemiological Features of Tobacco Smoking among secondary school children 2015 . National Conference of applied Epidemiology March 2016.
151150. Epidemiology of Road Traffic Accidents in Al najaf province 2015. National Conference of applied Epidemiology,March 2016.
152151, four papers in AL Qadysia Medical college conference ,April 2016; (school bag effects on elementary school children in Babylon province
153152.Risk factors of type 1 diabetes mellitus among children admitted to Babylon maternity and children hospital, in AL Qadysia Medical college conference ,April 2016.
154153.School health services among sample of elementary schools in Babylon province. in AL Qadysia Medical college conference ,April 2016
155154. Pulmonary functions of apparently health workers involved in different types of industries in Karbala province –Iraq, in AL Qadysia Medical college conference, April 2016
156155.Epidemiological Characteristics of Mumps Outbreak in the South Districts of Babylon province During the Years 2016-2017Hasan Alwan Baiee, Weli HatifMedical Journal of Babylon2017, Volume 14, Issue 3Pages 585 -592
157156.Prevalence of Suicidal Ideation among Iraqi Secondary School Students in Babylon Province During the Academic Year 2016-2017Hasan Alwan Baiee, Zainab Fadhil Kizar, Huda Salman Jasim, Suha Sheehan JasimMedical Journal of Babylon 2017, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 577 -584
158157. EPidemiological Features of Road Traffic Accident Deaths in Babylon Province during the Period 2010-2014Bashaer Diah, Hasan Alwan Baiee, Mohend AlShalahJournal of University of Babylon 2017, Volume 25, Issue 3, Pages 1129-1138
159158. Epidemiologic Features Of Dog Bites In Babylon Province During The Years 2012-2016 Hadeel Turki Bairmani, Hasan Alwan Baiee Medical Journal of Babylon 2017, Volume 14, Issue 3, Pages 461 -469
160159.Evaluation of some Aspects of School Health Services in Babylon Province,2015 Zahraa Ali Abd Al-Hussain, Hasan Alwan Baiee Journal of University of Babylon 2017, Volume 25, Issue 2, Pages 619-608
161160.Prevalence and Associated Factors of Under Nutrition among Under-Five Children in Babylon Province, Iraq, 2016Jawad Ismael Hasan, AL-Jubori Kahtan Hadi, Baiee Hasan Alwan.Online published on 17 October, 2017.161.
162162.Article DOI : 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.01975.7 Association between Domestic Violence and Depression among Women Attending Primary Health Care Center in AL-Hilla City Abass Hind Tasjeel1, Baiee Hasan Alwan2, Al-Hadrawi Hayder Hamzah2,*
163163. Epidemiological and Clinical Features of ‎Hydatid Cyst Disease in Babylon Province, ‎During the years 2010-2015‎Aulla Abbas Fadhil ;Hasan Alwan Baiee
164164. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Under Nutrition Among Under-Five Children in Babylon Province, Iraq,2016 Ismael Hasan Jawad, KahtanHadi AL- Jubori, Hasan Alwan Baiee Journal of University of Babylon 2018, Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 163-173
165165. Epidemiologic Features of Cholera Epidemic ‎In Al Hilla City-Babylon Province-Iraq 2015.‎ Zahraa Malik ;Hasan Alwan Baiee
166166. Smoking and Its Correlates among Secondary School Students in Al‑Hilla City 2018 Roaa Khalid Al‑Murshedi, Hasan A. Baiee Medical Journal of Babylon 2018, Volume 15, Issue 4, Pages 326-333
167167. Determination of Nickel Concentration in the Breast Milk of Lactating Mothers Living In Hilla City, Babylon, Iraq DOI: https://doi.org/10.29196/jubpas.v26i8.1672 Ishtar Munim Nassir ,Abaas Noor Al-Sharify,Hasan Alwan Baiee
168168.Alaa M Tuama, Hasan Alwan Baiee,Hussein Jasim Assessment of Independence in Activities of Daily Living among elderly in Al-Nasiriyah City, Indian journal of public health.
169169. ID Design Press, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2019 Nov 15; 7(21):3608-3614. https://doi.org/10.3889/oamjms.2019.734 eISSN: 1857-9655 Clinical Science Risk Factors Associated With Hip Fractures among Adult People in Babylon City, Iraq Alaa A. Hussein Al-algawy1 , Hasan Alwan Baiee , Sahar Hasan , Ismail Jassim , Maryam Razaq, Fatma Kamel , Athraa Ali , Eitaa Khudhair
170170. Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of Children with Measles during the Year 2019 AH Aljothery, HA Baiee, KF Hussein, AH Baiee, TS Abdulameer, AA Hadi, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 2020; 14 (3), 1399-1404
171183.Epidemiological Features of Stroke among Iraqi Patients Admitted to Al-Sadiq Teaching Hospital, Babylon Province Ali Abass Almosawi; Wahab R. Ebdan Hasan Alwan Baiee ; Ali Shareef Fadhil , Muna Jawad Kadhum Alnasrawy ; Qasim Mohsin Ali Al-Tharwanee Mokhalad Mhmood Mohammed Al-Duhaimi {accepted for poblicaion}
172184.Kahtan Hadi AL- Jubori ; Hasan Alwan Baiee,Naji Sadoon. Prevalence and Contributing factors of Arterial Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Among Visitors in Al-Arbaeiniyyah Visit of Imam Al-Hussein(Peace be Upon him).Akafeel third international conference 22-23 March,2021 ( accepted Scopus)
173185.Aspects of Fatal Burn Injury Cases Admitted to Al –Sadiq Teaching Hospital, Babylon Province/ Iraq During 2020 Elaf Mohammed Obaid1 Hasan Alwan Baiee 2 Issam Salim Ismail3. It will be published in Medico- Legal Update journal; Volume 21, No.2, March 2021 issue.
174186.Sahar Adham Ali,Baiee HA.Road Traffic Injury deaths and Correlates in Babylon Province: A Cross- Sectional Study. Forensic medicine Journal.2020
175187.Ali Abbas Hashim Al musawi, 2Hasan Alwan Baiee, . Road Traffic Accidents and the Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Cross- Sectional Study.” has been ACCEPTED to publish with Journal of Critical Reviews, ISSN: 2394-5125. It will be published in the 30th August 2020 issue
176188.Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Health Care Providers towards COVID-19 in Wasit Province Hasan A. Baiee Husam M. Hameed Issam S. Ismail Taif kareem Al Qaisi. Wasit Journal for Science & Medicine 2020: 13(1): (1-17 )
177189.Baiee HA, Abd Al Ridha M. Medical errors in Babel Governorate. Presented in the provincial conference for reducing medical errors.
178190.Baiee HA, Haneen A .Survey on H1N1 in Babylon province 2009. Babel conference for prevention of H1N1 . viral disease epidemic .
179191.Alaa M Tunma', Baiee Hassan Alwan;Hussien Jasim. investigating of Geriatric Depression among Elderly people in AL-Nassiryyah city.
180192.Alaa M Tunma', Baiee Hassan Alwan;Hussien Jasim. Nutritional status of Older Adults in Al-Nasiriyah City
181193.Prevalence of speech disorders among elementary school children In Al-Hilla city, Iraq, 2014. Iraqi J. Com. Med. Jan-2015(1):22-27
182195. Parents satisfaction about Health Services Provided by the Integrated Management of Childhood Diseases program for those Attending Primary Health Centers in Hillah City (IMCI). AlKufa nursing
183196. Baiee HA. Aldahash Hf. Bacterial Isolates from Burn Injuries of Patients Admitted to Al-Imam Al-Sadiq Teaching Hospital{accepted for publication ) Hilla University second International conference 2022.
184197.Baiee HA. Mohameed HA, Hussien ZA, Abbas MM, Shakir AF, Jassim AH. Knowledge , Attitudes, Barriers and Practices of Iraqi undergraduate Nursing Students Toward Conducting and Publication of Researches, ready for publication.
185198.Baiee HA, Hamad DA et al. (2021). Epidemiological Features of Diabetic Foot among Diabetic Patients Attending Babylon Governorate Teaching Hospitals –Iraq. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 15984–15994. Retrieved from http://annalsofrscb.ro/index.php/journal/article/view/5338
186199.Baiee HA. Blood Lead Level and School Violence among Male Secondary School Students in A-Kut City Center/ Wasit Province Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Tuberculosis in Babylon Governorate.2023. Hilla UniversityCollege Journal For Medical Science 2024: Vol. 2: Iss. 1:46-50
187200. Baiee HA ,Madlol RA , Al-Masoudi FA ,Al-Abidi ZA; Al-Shammari A , Al-janabi A. Epidemiological Features of Cesarean Sections Among Pregnant Women admitted to Babel Maternity Teaching Hospitals –Iraq, Research article ready for publication. Presented in the second International conference of Hilla University College.May.2023,
188201. Baiee HA.Trend in suicidal mortality and correlates in Babylon ,Iraq,2024, MJBL . Accepted for publication
189202.Baiee HA, Mohsen A. Breaking bad news to patients and their families among sample of Iraqi nurses in Babylon governorate ;Lat.Am.J. Pharm. 2024;43
190203.Baiee HA et al. Clinical and Epidemiological characteristics of CCHF,in Iraq in 2023; MJBL ,2024, in the press
191204. Mohamed HN, Abutiheen AA, Baiee HA. Knowledge and attitudes of resident physicians regarding communication skills in Holy Karbala governorate. MJBL ,2024, in the press
192205. Noor Hameed Mohamed1, Ali Abdulridha Abutiheen2, Hasan Alwan Baiee3 and Baidaa Ibrahim Selman. Knowledge and Attitudes of Resident Physicians Regarding Communication Skills. 5th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Sciences, (CIC-BIOHS’2024) 5th International Conference on Biomedical and Health Sciences, (CIC-BIOHS’2024)DOI: http://doi.org/10.24086/biohs2024/paper.1322
193206.Ganawi F, Baiee HA. Exploring the Reasons for Dissatisfaction of Nurses Working in Psychiatric Wards: Qualitative Study 2022;5 Firas Al-aboudyDepartment of Nursing, Al-Toosi University College, Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf, Iraq.Hasan Alwan Baiee Department of Nursing, Hilla University College, Babylon, Iraq. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2023, 21(3): 553-564 (Scopus).
194207. Kanawi F, Baiee HA. Beginner nurses experiences of working in psychiatric hospitals. First Conference of quality of nursing education in Iraq , Challenges and strategic advancement, AlSoofi University 10-11 May ,2023.
195208. Sleep Disorder Among Patients With Chronic Liver Disease. Firas Al-Aboudy, Hasan Baiee, Rasha Azeez. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2023 Volume 21, Issue 1 (March 2023)
196209.Assessment of Asthmatic patients Knowledge and practice to inhalers Use for Treatment of Asdthma .Hasan Alwan Baiee. 2022 ''First International Conference for Health and Medical Specialties"
197210.Factors Associated with Type 1Diabetes Mellitus among Children RuaaNashaat , Specialist Family Physician HasanAlwan Baiee/ Professor Emeritus in Public Heath Medicine Dean of Hilla University College of Nursing Milal M Aljoborry , Professor Gynecologist 2022''First International Conference for Health and Medical Specialties"